DeSanto/Singer: The Viper

The DeSanto/Singer project took the classic Viper design and advanced it to show improvements in Colonial technology during the 20+ yahrens since the Cylon attack on their homeworlds.  These rough production models and partly-constructed full-size filming mock-ups give the best visual interpretations of what the updated Viper looked like.

Advanced Colonial Viper Model

The new design slopes the engine nozzles at the rear of the fighter and increases the width a bit, which gives this Viper a sleeker look than its predecessor.

Advanced Colonial Viper Model

The tailfin is also set back further than it was on the original Viper. 

Advanced Colonial Viper Model

The original Viper pulsars (engines) were set in a tight triangle, and were part of the outside surface of the fighter, behind the cockpit.  In the new design, they were housed within a separate hull assembly, the lower two pulsars set a bit further apart than in the original.  The cannons were also longer than on the original.

Advanced Colonial Viper Model
Advanced Colonial Viper Model

The following images were taken during the construction of the full-size filming mock-ups. 

Full-Scale Advanced Colonial Viper Mock-Up
Full-Scale Advanced Colonial Viper Mock-Up

While the original series used one complete Viper mock-up and a stand-alone cockpit housing to provide the illusion of the actors sitting (or flying) side-by-side in two Vipers, the DeSanto/Singer production went to the trouble and expense of constructing two complete, full-sized mock-ups.

Full-Scale Advanced Colonial Viper Mock-Ups

The wooden frame of the mock-up was built on a heavy steel pole, which allowed the Viper to be tilted as needed.

Full-Scale Advanced Colonial Viper Mock-Up
Full-Scale Advanced Colonial Viper Mock-Up

When the DeSanto/Singer production was cancelled, these Vipers were placed in storage.  According to Universal Studios, there was a communication breakdown during which an accounting executive noted that storage space was still being used for a cancelled production.  He terminated paying for the storage fees.  The nearly film-ready Vipers were smashed apart with hammers and tossed into a landfill.

Full-Scale Advanced Colonial Viper Mock-Up

– written by John Pickard